

Want the short answer? Yes, you need a Social Media Audit! (But really, you should stick around for the long answer.) First, you may be wondering what a Social Media Audit actually is. A Social Media Audit is where a social media expert assesses different pieces of your social media and gives a detailed report on […]

August 23, 2022
Do I Need a Social Media Audit?

In the world of social media, it can seem like the most important focus is to always be gaining more and more followers. It can easily feel like a large number of followers = large success. But is this true? Is quantity more important than quality? Not necessarily. Don’t get me wrong, followers are important to […]

August 16, 2022

Did you know that August is Black Business Month? This is a time to acknowledge, celebrate and support black-owned businesses around the country (though, really, we should be doing this year-round). As a black business owner, I’ve personally faced some of the hardships and disparities faced by other black businesses. These barriers are the reason […]

August 10, 2022

Are you thinking about hiring a social media manager (SMM) for your growing business? Having a SMM can be an awesome way to free up your time and mental space. It can allow you to focus on the tasks in your business that you enjoy while allowing others to complete the remaining, necessary tasks. Outsourcing, […]

July 14, 2022

Have you spent a lot of time and energy into creating awesome content but aren’t seeing enough conversion? The problem may not lie in the content itself, but more so in the way you are presenting it. You may need to take some time to create and or improve your content strategy. Wondering how you […]

May 16, 2022

Navigating Social Media can seem daunting at times. Its constant changes can be hard to keep up with. Today, I wanted to share a list I composed of some “Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media”. These tips stay the same regardless of the algorithm or trending topics, you can rely on their consistency. It’s important […]

April 21, 2022

Do you want to grow your social media but need a game plan? Do you feel like you are putting in a lot of time and effort and aren’t getting the results you were hoping for? A simple, yet effective, next step is to undergo a Social Media Audit. I’m sure you are wondering what […]

March 21, 2022

I had a great time talking with Sasha Willis – business strategist, podcaster, and speaker, to talk about the strategies we’ve implemented to grow my business, Creative Gravity Social Media Agency. These business strategies have impacted my life in a big way. Because of them, I have gone from side-hustle to full-time business owner in […]

March 16, 2022

Whether you’re a new business owner, or you’ve been in the game for a while, it’s important to make sure that your social media is on point. Many people are searching for the “newest” or “trendiest” formula with a quick path to success. While new information can be useful, it will never replace the need […]

March 14, 2022

When it comes to growth, lots of folks are looking for a quick fix. Sure, you can buy followers but that’s a surefire way to NOT get sales. When you’re only focusing on vanity numbers, you’ll have a “high” follower count but low engagement and no increase in sales. Instead, focus on organic growth. Yes, […]

November 9, 2021