We all know this time of year can be really stressful – schedules are busier, budgets feel tighter, emotions are higher. The last thing you want to be thinking of during the holidays as a business owner is your social media. By planning and batching your content, you’ll give yourself not only the gift of time off this holiday season, but also some peace of mind.

One of the most time-consuming pieces of social media for business is creating content. While trying to keep up with the day-to-day operations of your business and actually running the damn thing, creating content to post to social media just isn’t at the top of the list. Because of this, it either gets pushed off and never done, or it piles up just to leave you stressed and rushing to create something (which doesn’t usually produce quality content). It’s clear – utilizing content planning and batching content can be beneficial to your business year-round. However, using these strategies can be especially helpful during busy seasons, such as the holidays.
So what are some of the benefits of batching content?
Content batching boosts productivity
Batching your content allows you to spend a dedicated period of time focused on one thing – creating content. Instead of having to get in the mindset of creating multiple times throughout your week to create one post at a time, you can stay focused and keep the creative juices flowing – leading to being more efficient and a higher level of productivity.
It reduces stress and social media fatigue
Planning and batching your content allows you to create, schedule, and forget. This can reduce your stress surrounding keeping active on social media, and keeps you from feeling burnt out from having to constantly be on social media.
Content planning increases consistency and cohesiveness of posts
Planning and creating all of your content in one sitting allows you to stay on theme (if that’s your goal) and make your posts feel cohesive. Utilizing these strategies will also help to keep you consistent on social media without having to spend hours to do so.
It frees up time for other tasks (business or personal)
Rather than having to spend hours out of your week trying to come up with and create posts, you can spend your time on the things you really love – whether that’s parts of your business that really excite you or things in your personal life that keep getting pushed off.
It’s clear – if you aren’t utilizing content planning and content batching this holiday season to take some time off and gain some peace of mind, you should be! Don’t know where to start with the process? Start simple with brainstorming ideas, doing some research, and outlining your posts. Then, draft your captions and begin creating! Finish your batching with finding relevant hashtags, schedule that content, and boom – you don’t have to worry about your social media and can fully enjoy those holiday drinks.
Do you like the idea of content planning but struggle to brainstorm ideas? Creative Gravity can help! Whether you’re needing a content calendar or content curation, we’ve got you. Click here learn more about these services or book a discovery call today, or check out Creative Gravity on Instagram for tips on content creation.