Business Tips

Do you want to grow your social media but need a game plan? Do you feel like you are putting in a lot of time and effort and aren’t getting the results you were hoping for? A simple, yet effective, next step is to undergo a Social Media Audit. I’m sure you are wondering what […]

March 21, 2022

I had a great time talking with Sasha Willis – business strategist, podcaster, and speaker, to talk about the strategies we’ve implemented to grow my business, Creative Gravity Social Media Agency. These business strategies have impacted my life in a big way. Because of them, I have gone from side-hustle to full-time business owner in […]

March 16, 2022

When it comes to growth, lots of folks are looking for a quick fix. Sure, you can buy followers but that’s a surefire way to NOT get sales. When you’re only focusing on vanity numbers, you’ll have a “high” follower count but low engagement and no increase in sales. Instead, focus on organic growth. Yes, […]

November 9, 2021

A business can’t grow unless it knows who it’s supposed to be talking to. One of the first things you’ll hear about when starting your business is knowing who your target audience is. Believe it or not, you won’t go far trying to market services or products to everyone. People have different wants, needs, and […]

August 17, 2021

There is definitely a balancing act when it comes to creating valuable content for your audience and directly pitching your products and services. While we all want to make money as business owners, you also should want to connect with your audience, build trust and establish authority. You should never let pitching your products and […]

August 3, 2021

People often talk about what you SHOULD be doing on social media, but what about what you should STOP doing? It’s easy to get off track when it comes to social media but unfortunately, there are some mistakes you can make that will cost you in the long run! Here are a few common social […]

July 27, 2021

Are you wondering what type of content you should create? Social media marketing entails building TRUST and AUTHORITY with your audience. If you want people to do business with you, they need to like and trust you, right? So how do you incorporate that into your own content? Start with building your content around these […]

June 29, 2021

Effective social media marketing consists of a lot more than just sharing your products and services. To use social media effectively in your business, you should focus on building meaningful relationships with your followers. You can’t develop these relationships solely from promoting your products; you have to provide your audience with VALUE as well. Delivering […]

June 8, 2021

Are you wondering how a Social Media Manager can help you and your business? A lot of people wonder if it’s worth the expense of hiring a Social Media Manager. Obviously, you can run your own social media, however, the benefits of having social media management far outweigh the cost! Here are just a FEW […]

May 25, 2021

There comes a time in every business owners life where you hit a wall running at full speed. Whether it’s a creative block, burnout, or just being OVER IT, we’ve all been there. Don’t beat yourself up. Running a business is HARD. Instead of continuing on a path of exhaustion and frustration, try these tips […]

April 27, 2021