Business Tips

Kids are out of school, summer is here, and it’s time to take a damn break! Here’s how to keep your business running from 30,000 feet! ✈️ CRM Automation Use Dubsado or a similar CRM for calls, contracts, invoices, and more. Automations allow your business to run itself while you’re out in the sun! I […]

June 14, 2024

As you know, here at Creative Gravity, our mission is to empower you to take your social media presence to new heights while staying authentic to YOU (your brand voice)! As a seasoned Social Media Strategist, I have seen it all with business owners trying to improve their socials, and I found one thing to […]

June 4, 2024

As we step into the vibrant vibes of spring, it’s the perfect time for us to channel all this renewal energy into something we often overlook – our social media strategies. Just like our homes deserve a thorough spring cleaning (yes, don’t be nasty lol), so do our digital spaces. This isn’t just about tidying […]

April 12, 2024

Are you feeling a bit swamped trying to keep your business’s social media game on point? I get it! Balancing the tasks of growing your business while trying to stay active on social media can be like trying to sip your favorite smoothie while running a 5K – a messy affair, to say the least. […]

March 28, 2024

Empathy shines brightly, especially in business, aiding collaboration and resolving conflicts. Yet, have you faced the paradox of being overly empathetic? I struggle with this, and it’s often a double-edged sword in my business ventures. Excessive empathy draws me into agreements with those unable to afford my services, leading to an unsustainable cycle of hard […]

March 14, 2024

When you hear someone talk about the idea of collaborating with other businesses in social media, it might seem like an additional task on an already full plate – especially if social media feels like a difficult full-time job for you. However, I firmly believe that collaboration is not just a strategic move but a […]

February 6, 2024
the power of collaboration in social media

Marketing has always been an area that’s ever growing and changing, constantly shifting to meet needs and expectations. Recently, we’ve seen a huge (much needed) shift towards inclusivity in marketing, and the discussion has taken center stage. It’s become time for businesses to shift their marketing strategies to reflect and celebrate diversity. Inclusive marketing isn’t […]

December 29, 2023
Inclusive marketing: Why it matters more than ever

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of running your own business. The idea of collaboration with other businesses may seem intimidating or overwhelming, but I firmly believe that it’s a fantastic way to expand your reach and tap into new audiences. Here, we’ll explore some […]

September 7, 2023
The power of collaboration: growing your business through social media partnership

Behind brand exposure, using social media to drive traffic to your website is noted by many as one of the greatest benefits of using social media for your business. There are many reasons social media can be great for bringing followers to your website, and there are many ways to do so. This blog post […]

June 7, 2023

When it comes to staying authentic on your social media, showcasing your brand’s values on your platforms is key. Doing so not only helps you show the world you are a real person and real brand, but it allows your clients and followers to get to know what’s important to you by understanding more of […]

May 25, 2023
How to infuse your values into your brand